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AIC Program Overview




The Argentium Instructor Certification Program is headed by Ronda Coryell - the world’s leading authority on jewelry making with Argentium silver and is endorsed by the Argentium Silver Guild. The Program, directed by Ronda Coryell (founder and leading Argentium Certified Instructor), has been designed to: 


  • Test the skill level, competency, and proficiency in working with Argentium silver. 

  • Establish international standards. 

  • Ensure the level of knowledge of an instructor.


The Program is directed to those wanting to become an internationally recognized instructor of Argentium silver. Certification requires quality performance in the areas of fabrication, soldering, fusing, finishing and working with Argentium silver.



Fee for each testing level: $500.  It is not necessary to buy the kit, but if applicants wish to keep the projects - kits can be purchased at the current silver kit price.


Certification benefits:


  • Gives you a complete curriculum that you are licensed to teach 

  • Increases your credibility with students and schools, advancing your career and learning potential.

  • Gives hosting schools and studios a means of knowing that you will have a certain proficiency of skills 

  • Listed as a Certified Instructor on the Argentium Guild website and one-year free membership.

  • Argentium Guild website will help promote your classes.


Two levels of Argentium Instructor Certification:


The two levels of certification reflect a career path for the instructor, with progressively higher stages of proficiency and assurance of knowledge in the use of Argentium silver.   Both levels require a written exam and practical tests.


Level One:

Argentium Instructor Certification Level One Test reflects mastery of skills in fabrication, soldering, fusing and finishing with Argentium silver.


Level Two:

Argentium Instructor Certification Level two Test reflects mastery of advanced fabrication skills and casting in Argentium silver.


Steps to achieve Argentium Instructor Certification:


  • Make arrangements with Ronda Coryell or select an individual who is willing and able to proctor the test.

  • Select 'How to Apply for AIC' for more information on application process.

  • Ronda Coryell will process the application and ship the test and all testing materials to your chosen proctor.

  • The date the proctor receives the test is the starting date - you will have three months to complete the test.

  • Once received, your test will be graded and results will be sent to you.


Benefits becoming a certified instructor: 


  • Know that you will have a certain proficiency of skills.

  • Listed as a Certified Instructor on the Argentium.

  • Guild website and a one-year free membership.

  • Argentium Guild website will help promote your classes

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